Having celebrated its Centennial Anniversary in 2020, Matthews Feed & Grain has been a trailblazer in the feed and grain industries since 1920. Originally named The Farmers Co-Op, the company was owned and operated by local farmers, for local farmers. The original grain dump and four cement silos, built in 1952, are still in operation today. An additional four cement silos were built on the property, and are also in use to this day. Feed was made in the mill that was located where the drive thru is now. When customers are parked at the top of the ramp they can see remnants of the original feed mill if they look to their right. During recent construction, feed tags were found from the early days of production in the area of the old mill.
In the mid 1960’s, Farmers Co-Op transitioned from a cooperative to a corporation, keeping the same name. In 1982, steel silos were built, adding to the skyline in the small town of Matthews, Indiana. In 1996, a new mill was built. It is what is now referred to as the ‘bag mill’ and was the mill that started Matthew Feed & Grain in the toll mill business; producing 12 tons an hour of swine feed. The first finishing barns fed were within two miles of town and are still proudly being fed by the company. In 1998, The Farmers Co-Op name changed to the more commonly used Matthews Feed & Grain Inc. and to this day, is still owned by shareholders, with a board of directors. Day to day operations are carried out by a team of approximately 20 employees.
As the toll mill business grew, so did the need for more corn from local farmers. In 2007, a two million dollar expansion took place. A new toll mill was built and an additional dump was installed to supply the mill with incoming corn and grain by-products. A designated ingredient dump was built and the toll mill was also enhanced in 2015. Since then, a new truck scale, semi staging area, warehouse, and a 250,000 bushel grain bin have been established. In 2019, the new bag mill, bag line and robot installation took place. In the past ten years, toll mill and bag mill production has increased steadily. Reaching up to 90,000 tons of toll mill feed and 6500 tons of swine show feed produced in 2021.
In 2022, an additional warehouse was built and construction was started on a newly acquired building that will provide storage, an e-commerce and small pack work area, as well as other needs. We are looking forward to another year of growth and are thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve the agricultural community for many years to come.